Foot Care Tips Take care of your feet during rainy days with these tips

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Foot Care Tips Take care of your feet during rainy days with these tips.

Wearing flip flops in the rain makes us feel comfortable, but it does not have the right effect on our feet. You can get a pedicure done to take care of the feet. Come let’s know some tips

When the rainy season comes, our feet need the most care. Wearing flip flops in the rain makes us feel comfortable, but it does not have the right effect on our feet. You can get a pedicure done to take care of the feet, but getting a pedicure twice every month is not possible for anyone. In such a situation, keeping in mind some things, you should also take some home remedies for foot care. Come let’s know-

post rain cleaning

Once you get into your house after getting drenched in the rain, your first task should be to almost submerge your feet in lukewarm water with an anti-septic lotion. After soaking your feet for 10-15 minutes, wash your feet with antibacterial soap and dry your feet thoroughly with a towel. This is essential to protect your nails from dirt and infection.

talcum powder

After drying with a towel, apply some talcum powder and keep your feet free in the air for some time by placing them on the sofa or stool. You can also sit on your bed under a fan and air dry your feet. If you have a problem with foot odor, apply talcum powder with camphor powder on your feet and then wear socks and shoes.

wear clean shoes

Once you are safely home and away from the rain, soak your slippers in soapy water for a while and then leave them in a well-ventilated place to dry thoroughly. By doing this, there will be no risk of fungus on your slippers.


Along with the face, exfoliate your feet regularly. You can also soak your feet in lukewarm water mixed with any regular mild shampoo and scrub. If you have a favorite foot scrub, apply it, or you can make a homemade scrub.

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