Write for Us

Thank you for expressing your interest in writing a guest post for insiderdig.

What insiderdig.com Look for

Submission Guidelines

To ensure the publication of your content, your article must comply with the following criteria.

  • Submit your post via Email only. :- support@insiderdig.com
  • We accept articles with a minimum of 2,000 words
  • The article must consist of original content that is exclusive to our platform and must not be plagiarized in any form.
  • The article should be informative and helpful to our readers. While incorporating humor is allowed, it should be done respectfully.

Visual Guidelines

  • Enhance each example with relevant visuals such as screenshots, videos, and social media posts.
  • Your draft should incorporate a minimum of three visual elements.
  • Please do not use stock images
  • Language: All content should be written in US English,
  • We appreciate it when guest writers incorporate links to our relevant older posts that relate to the topic you’re writing about.
  • Links provided must be relevant and beneficial to the reader.
  • If backlinks are deemed spammy, irrelevant, or included in an unrelated context, we reserve the right to remove them. Should there be more than three such links, the article will be rejected, and we will not consider future guest posts from the author.
  • If duplicate backlinks are identified, even if relevant, we will retain only one of these links and remove the duplicates.
  • *Note: We kindly request that you refrain from contacting us regarding link-swapping blog posts or sponsored posts.