Belief in yourself is most important to reach the goal

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Success Mantra: Belief in yourself is most important to reach the goal

There may be many ways to reach the same place, but all the people who want to go there have to do one thing in common, that is the preparation for the journey. Going on a journey without preparation creates disorientation…

There may be many ways to reach the same place, but all the people who want to go there have to do one thing in common, that is the preparation for the journey. Going on a journey without preparation creates disorientation, whereas preparation enables you to deal with the difficulties along the way. Obviously, this preparation is a necessary investment to achieve a goal. Most of the people understand the meaning of investment only money and due to its lack, they consider themselves unsuccessful already. People who are frustrated by such a deprivation fail to see the capital they have, which is more important than any other means for success. This capital is your self-confidence, which is not there, then all the other resources cannot be effective in taking you to the goal. The story of Sameer Chadha of Lucknow brings this truth to the fore, who is earning handsomely through lemongrass and khus farming.

out-of-the-box thinking

Such was his interest in trees and plants and nature that Sameer, who was a commerce student, dreamed of doing commercial farming. About five years ago, he started with the cultivation of seasonal vegetables. His cost and maintenance experience showed that it would be better to farm something that requires less cost or maintenance. Clearly, it took confidence to make a decision here. Relying on himself, he started farming of lemongrass and khus.

hard work success

It is true that in present times most of the youth do not consider farming or agriculture while choosing their career field. But Sameer’s method was different. According to him, where there is a shortage, there can also be an opportunity. His thinking proved to be correct. At present, he is farming in about twenty five acres of land and is earning about 1.5 lakh per acre annually. He has also set up a distillation plant to extract lemongrass and poppy oil, which are used in many aromatic things including perfume.

hope for a better future

His personal success has created opportunities for other people as well. He provides technical training to interested people in cultivating lemongrass and khus and extracting oil from them. Now he is moving towards establishing his own brand of these oils. So that we can make our own products available to the customers in the retail market. Needless to say that he has full faith in the capital of self-confidence.


How you see yourself is more important than what others think of you

Before getting anything in any business, some investment has to be made. Having capital is important but it doesn’t mean just money. Your confidence is the biggest asset to achieve any goal.

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