Why It’s Important to Have the Courage to Give Up Happy Things

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Why It’s Important to Have the Courage to Give Up Happy Things

“Looking at you makes me miss myself when I was your age.”

I sent this message to my new coworkers. We were working in the same media team and usually traveled together to make short documentaries.

I had noticed that she used to be silent but when she had to speak, she spoke very eloquently. I could see a contrast between the two qualities.

I wrote to him, “Your views are strong. You have many questions in your mind but you refrain from debating these issues in public. Personally you think about things seriously.”

He asked the question in response, “Has that changed for you?” I replied, “Now I am more confident about speaking.”

She asked with smiley emoji what advice would you give to your little one. Looking away from my smartphone screen, I thought I’d write a column on it.

Happiness should be the one who leaves things happily. You should come running like a runner. You should give yourself the freedom to give up something.

Run away from clutter, untrustworthy company and people who try to belittle you. Run away from people who make you feel suffocated even when things are toxic.

We need to use our freedom to move away from situations. Much more than what we do. Don’t be afraid of how your absence will affect others. Focus on your own needs first.

why are you running?

Sometimes you don’t know why you are running. If you think then you will find that you were not able to face that situation. You may find yourself, or feel, helpless in the midst of those with far greater social, financial and political power.

Letting go of what is wrong for you is a positive decision. You will realize years later that you have refused to compromise.

You took the pressure off of bending over, crawling and being smaller than yourself. If you look back, your worries will not be a sign of weakness.

In fact, your whole existence was rebelling against the situation he didn’t think you were right.

It would be better to set your own boundaries with people, know this. Learn to overcome your fear of isolating people. People who insist on being angry often find excuses for it. Don’t let anyone play with your feelings.

You will be surprised to know that the kind of people you used to be afraid of will suddenly start to be friendly with you as you grow up. You have to wonder who changed – he or you?

Just like your weaknesses, your qualities will seem different in different contexts. Your workplace may not require your sensibility. Your joint family can take advantage of your sympathy and your ideologies will often seem like an obligation which will create a hindrance.

Do not lose your patience in any situation. Choose a good process to know yourself better. Pay attention to what you say when people ask about you. You may not always know the right answer right away, but keep thinking about the questions, they will tell you more about you.

Much of the remaining life is a journey to reconnect with oneself. Only family and bad relationships don’t hurt us. If the system is not proper, then the school and workplace also harm. This world is chaotic and your soul senses it.

Marketism dominates thinking ability

This is the nature of life in our time. The capitalist market has affected our ability to think so much that abundance means nothing more than a branded product and its associated experience.

Political parties want you to always be loyal without any thought. At the same time, the media wants to destroy our ability to think for ourselves by filling it with inspiring messages.

It is no surprise that many of us lose faith in what we have to say and find it difficult to believe in ourselves.

We can know what we want, but we are not sure whether we are worthy of getting what we want. Normally, we do not claim what is ours, is for us only.

Growing up means achieving your inner childishness. No problem can be solved by the mindset that created it. We try to understand what it means. Then we start taking risks by weighing. So stay in touch with yourself.

Growing up also does not mean that we will no longer suffer. We will also face rejection. We may be asked to leave from where we are committed to living. We will learn how to appear in the crowd of the world.

Growing up means increasing our ability to feel sadness, of course gradually.

Remember that you will never lose your ability to heal. I know this from experience. You will lose your laughter. It will come back. Age will not affect you, you will feel young again.

You’ll find ways to overcome trouble and confusion to generate hope and meaning.

Your imagination will always find a way to heal itself. It is present within you. It will keep you excited again.

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