While dancing cardiac attack and sudden death while walking are such cases increasing?

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While dancing, cardiac attack and sudden death while walking – are such cases increasing?

In recent days, videos of sudden heart attacks can be seen going viral on social media.

In the videos of different places on social media, where a person is seen suddenly falling on the ground while dancing at a wedding, in another video, a girl falls while carrying a bouquet in her hand at a ceremony.

In another video, a man falls on the ground while walking with his friends.

After these incidents, #heartattack also started trending on Twitter and people were seen expressing concern over such sudden deaths by commenting.

Recently Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar died of cardiac arrest. He was working out in the gym.

At the same time, comedian Raju Srivastava was also running on the treadmill in the gym, when he got pain in his chest and fell down. Later, the doctors said that he had suffered a heart attack. Later he passed away.

Doctors are calling such cases of sudden cardiac arrest among people.

Doctors say that cardiac arrest is due to enlargement of the heart’s size and muscles, blockage in its veins and stopping the heart’s blood pump. Genetic reasons can also cause cardiac arrest.

Signs of cardiac arrest

Dr. OP Yadav, CEO and Chief Cardiac Surgeon at the National Heart Institute. They say that if you see any unexplained symptoms in your body, be alert.

Senior Cardiologist at Max Super Specialty Hospital in Delhi. Viveka Kumar says, “In a heart attack, the patient has pain in the chest for half an hour or more.” The pain radiates to the left arm and is accompanied by profuse sweating. If it is not treated in time, it can turn into cardiac arrest.

At the same time, he says that only 3 to 8 percent survival rate is expected in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

Corona, vaccine and cardiac arrest relationship

At the same time, such news is also coming in the media and there is a lot of discussion about the fact that people who have corona and those who have taken the vaccine are getting more cardiac arrests.

Dr. OP Yadav and Dr. Both Viveka Kumar says that cases of blood clots or freezing in the body have been reported due to Corona and these clots can form in the lungs, heart, leg veins and brain. However, medicines have also been given to the patients to thin the blood.

Dr. OP Yadav says, “It may be that you have recently had Kovid and then had a heart attack, then you can say that there is a connection between the two, but there is no evidence of this.” But the risk of blood clotting increases in a person who has corona and in such a situation we give blood thinners to the patient and advise him to exercise and walk. But it would be wrong to say that every heart attack is due to Corona.

Dr. According to Viveka Kumar, “Corona vaccine is also like a corona infection in a way. Corona is a very contagious disease and the possibility of clot formation increases. In such a case, if it is in the heart, the risk of cardiac arrest or heart attack increases, and if it goes to the brain, it can cause a brain stroke. Such cases are seen more in the youth. By the way, stress, smoking, drinking alcohol are also the reasons for this.

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