Safest Places on Earth to Save Lives in the event of a nuclear war

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Safest Places on Earth: 6 Safest Places on Earth to Save Lives in the event of a nuclear war

Safest Places on Earth Doing Nuclear Attack: First the Russia-Ukraine war, then the China-Taiwan crisis and now the ongoing tension between North Korea and Japan has increased the fear of nuclear war in the world. The danger of nuclear war is further visible from the situation prevailing in the case of Russia and Ukraine. Due to these threats, there is an atmosphere of fear in other countries of the world as well. Now if any country from Russia, China or North Korea conducts nuclear attack on its opponents, then a world war can directly erupt because America is supporting the opposing countries in all three cases. Now coming out of the apprehensions and speculations, if we consider it to be real and see in the current situation that if there is a nuclear war, then which will be the safest place for the people.

1. Colorado (Colorado, USA)

One of the safest places to avoid the effects of an atomic bomb is a giant bunker on the Cheyenne mountain in Colorado, USA. This bunker has a 25 ton blast door. At present, the headquarters of the North American Aerospace Defense Command and the United States Northern Command remain here. In 1966, the US government built it to avoid Russian nuclear attacks, ballistic missiles, and long-range Soviet bombers.

2. Antarctica

If all the countries of the world come under the grip of nuclear attack, then Antarctica will be the only place on earth where man can be safe. In fact, under a treaty in the year 1961, 12 countries of the world considered Antarctica as a place of scientific research. Because of this treaty, there can be no military activity of any kind here. That is, countries cannot attack here even during war. Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, United States of America, China, Brazil, Germany, North Korea and Poland have signed this treaty.

3. Iceland

Iceland is also a safe place to avoid the effects of nuclear. The special thing is that the population here is less and the government is also neutral. This country remains aloof from international political issues. In such a situation, the possibility of a nuclear attack on it is negligible.

4. Guam Island

This area falls in the Pacific Ocean. It is a self-governing territory of America. If we look at the total population here, then it is about 1.6 lakhs and its army is also very small. There are only 1300 people in it. In this also only 280 people work full time. In such a situation, no one will ever attack this small island.

5. Perth, Western Australia, the capital of Australia

Perth, the capital of Western Australia, is also one of the safest places to avoid nuclear impact. The population here is around 20 lakhs. Many people can stay here.

6. Israel

If except Palestine, there is no major dispute between Israel and any other country. Apart from this, major religious places of many religions of the world are present here. In such a situation, no country will think of nuclear attack here. If we talk about India, then the relations between India and Israel are very good. In such a situation, it can be easy for the people of India to hide here.

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