Highlight 7 indoor exercises for your fitness during monsoon

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The best time of the year to witness the full splendor of nature is during the monsoons.

However, monsoon is notorious for its never-ending sickness and cold. One’s immune system is tested throughout the season.

And it doesn’t stop there. There is always the possibility of contracting cholera, dengue fever, or other painful diseases. So, how can one enjoy monsoon while staying safe and sound? Good eating habits, exercise and adequate rest are some of the factors that can keep you safe during the rainy season.

Padangusthasana (Toe Toe): Padangusthasana is a basic asana in Ashtanga yoga. Padangusthasana stretches every muscle of the body from head to toe. It relaxes the body and pacifies restlessness. It is beneficial for flat feet among other things.

Trikonasana (triangle pose): Trikonasana is derived from the Sanskrit words trikona (three corners) and asana (posture). Trikonasana yoga, also known as the triangle position exercise, is a standing pose that improves strength, balance and flexibility.

Utkatasana (Chair Pose): Chair Pose, also known as awkward chair pose and fierce stance in Sanskrit, is a form of asana or yoga practice. The chair pose strengthens your legs, upper back and shoulders while improving balance and flexibility.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Post): Bhujangasana is made up of the words bhujanga (cobra or snake) and asana (position). Another name for Bhujangasana is Cobra Stretch. It stretches your body (especially your back) and rapidly releases your tension.

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose): Vrikshasana is a Sanskrit noun that combines the words tree and posture. The Sanskrit word for tree is tree, while the Sanskrit word for posture is asana. Vrikshasana is a permanent fundamental yoga position. Also, in Hinduism, the sages used this stance as a form of penance or penance.

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